
3rd Edition - European Meeting of Neuroscience by PhD students

25th May 2018, Grenoble (France)


Senior researchers > Antoine TRILLER

 Antoine Triller

           TRILLER Antoine 


Director of research (INSERM) at the Institute of Biology of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, FRANCE)


Short Biography


Antoine Triller graduated at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in 1978. He started his research on inhibitory synapses by working with Henri Korn et became a researcher at the French national health and medical research institute (INSERM) in 1979. He created a research team with Henri Korn at the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1981.


In 1995, he joined the Biology department à the ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure). He then created the Biology Institute at the ENS. He is now a research director at the INSERM and the director of the IBENS.


   Research interests


Dr Triller’s team focuses on synaptic receptors and their dynamics depending on the different elements constituting a synapse. The team developed technological and analytical tools that allowed them to follow synaptic components as small as a single particle. Indeed, they discovered the mechanisms responsible for the stabilization of the synapses (interactions with scaffold proteins) and those responsible for the ability of synapses to adapt to environmental modifications (rapid exchanges between synaptic and extra-synaptic sites).

Source: et

   Key Words

synapse, stability, receptors

   Most relevant scientific publications

  • Fossati M, Pizzarelli R, Schmidt ER, Kupferman JV, Stroebel D, Polleux F, Charrier C (2016) SRGAP2 and Its Human-Specific Paralog Co-Regulate the Development of Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapses. Neuron 91:356-69
  • Cantaut-Belarif Y, Antri M, Pizzarelli R, Colasse S, Vaccari I, Soares S, Renner M, Dallel R, Triller A*, Bessis B* (2017) Microglia control the glycinergic but not the GABAergic synapses via prostaglandin E2 in the spinal cord J Cell Biol 216:2979-2989
  • Shrivastava AN, Aperia A, Melki R, Triller A (2017) Physico-Pathologic Mechanisms involved in Neurodegeneration : Misfolded Proteins-Plasma Membrane Interactions. Neuron 95(1):33-50 ; doi : 10.1016
  • Shrivastava AN, Redeker V, Fritz N, Pieri L, Almeida LG, Spolidoro M, Liebmann T, Bousset L, Renner M, Léna C, Aperia A, Melki R, Triller A (2015) α-synuclein assemblies sequester neuronal a3-Na+/K+-ATPase and impair Na+ gradient. EMBO J 34:2408-23
  • Specht CG, Izeddin I, Rodriguez PC, El Beheiry M, Rostaing P, Darzacq X, Dahan M, Triller A (2013) Quantitative nanoscopy of inhibitory synapses : counting gephyrin molecules and receptor binding sites. Neuron 79:308-321
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